Robert Lee Groenink, son of Cindy and Mark Groenink, is an accomplished member of the class of 2021.
Robert’s hobbies include playing video games, watching movies, reading books, and 3-D printing. Robert has represented ECS on the Baseball, Basketball, and Robotics teams. Robert’s favorite class at Ellsworth is Computer Programming because he enjoys using computers and it was a really fun class.
One of his best memories from high school and one that he is most proud of is winning the 2020 Traverse City Districts with the Cybertronic Lancers.
After graduation, Robert plans to attend Michigan Technological University.
Robert’s favorite quote - "See? If you don't make each decision carefully, you never know where you'll end up. That's an important lesson we should learn sometime." -The Indispensable Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson